Yael Meyerovich
Founder, signatory rights holder
Anna Magazannik
Founder, lawyer, signatory rights holder
Tatiana Prokhorenko
Founder, accountant
Irina Overchenko
Founder, curator of the project "BEIT SHAPTAI LEVI"
Olga Khaykina
Founder, curator
Nadezhda Shohat
Curator of the "Grocery Thursday" project
Leon Borodov
children's party animator, birthday parties
Mikhail Tsarfin
Founder, children's animator
Yana Hapchik
Curator of the "Child's Dream" project
Victoria Smolkin
Manager, curator
Julia Rechter
Anastasia Bilder
Volunteer, animator, director, radio host
Yulia Zaripova
Volunteer, psychologist
Alyona Obedin
Anna Kiselman
Volunteer, Hebrew translator of texts
Anna Shkolnik