Our Projects
Мы открываем сбор на ханукальные подарки для 450 детей, которые сейчас борются за свои жизни в больницах.
Required: 13 500 ₪
3 550 ₪
13 500 ₪
посвященный двойному юбилею: 10-летию детского сада "Таша" и 5-летию нашей студии! Этот вечер будет наполнен волшебством, талантом и невероятной атмосферой радости
Нам нужно 15 флаконов. Подарив этот спрей одному ребенку , вы облегчаете его страдания.
Required: 1 950 ₪
5 000 ₪
1 950 ₪
Мы открываем сбор средств для Мирославы, пятилетней девочки, которая год тому назад стала жертвой страшного пожара.
Diagnosis: Ожоги верхних и нижних конечностей 1,2,3,4 степени
Required: 100 000 ₪
64 986 ₪
100 000 ₪
В нашем детском доме в Хайфе детям нужны 45 новых игрушек – тех, что станут их личными, принесут радость и чувство защищенности.
Collected: 4 500 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
Долгожданное лекарство Толи вошло в список постоянных детских лекарств. А это значит, что очень дорогостоящее лекарство теперь продается по доступной цене для семьи. Родители Толи сообщили нам эту радостную новость и попросили передать собранные для Толи деньги другому нуждающемуся ребенку.
Diagnosis: ахондраплазия
Collected: 8 700 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
Diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Collected: 76 000 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
Возраст 15 лет.
Diagnosis: Cancer. Ewing's sarcoma.
Collected: 40 683 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
5 years, Russia
Diagnosis: Dyskeratosis congenita
Collected: 343 100 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
5, Russia
Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma of the retroperitoneal space
Collected: 40 861 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
9 years old, Ukraine
Diagnosis: Ewing's sarcoma
Collected: 241 052 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
6 years old, Russia
Diagnosis: Glioblastoma
Collected: 12 550 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
7 years old, Israel
Diagnosis: Blood Cancer
Collected: 6 200 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
Diagnosis: Congenital lymphoblastic leukemia
Collected: 46 124 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
5 years old, Azerbaijan
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma
Collected: 89 489 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
5 years old, Ukraine
Diagnosis: Stage 3 nephroblastoma, abdominal carcinomatosis.
Collected: 85 956 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
2 years old, Ukraine
Diagnosis: Neuroblastoma
Collected: 18 080 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
12 years old, Russia
Diagnosis: Nasal and sinus osteosarcoma
Collected: ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
4 years old, Ukraine
Diagnosis: Stage 3 neuroblastoma, n-myc positive
Collected: 107 009 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
5 years old, Georgia
Diagnosis: Immunodeficiency
Collected: 14 818 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
10 years old, Russia
Diagnosis: Arthrohyposis
Collected: 135 707 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
5 years old, Ukraine
Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Collected: 48 357 ₪
All funds have been raised!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all!
Perhaps someone from your entourage decided,
that it would be nice to support one of the sick children instead of a gift. How do you think?
that it would be nice to support one of the sick children instead of a gift. How do you think?
About the fund

Milana Mirzaeva-Meerovich
Founder and Leader
«The way of charity for me is the way of serving God. I know for sure that my mission is to take care of children, parents and volunteers. When a person is in his place, unbearable work is easy and you do not get tired of him. For this reason, I always try to discern their abilities and talents in volunteers, so that their work in the foundation brings them pleasure. None of the @md terra team members receive a salary or financial reward. Good can be disinterested!»
Fund statistics
at 01.09.21
Lives were saved
Total donations in 8 years
3000000 ₪
Our news
Fund Partners

The company "Wonderland" organizes children's parties. A team of animators conducts charity events and birthdays for our wards.

Bistro Morozova is cuisine with love. Tasty and hearty - that's about Marina's food. Marina has been with us since we opened the fund. She is happy when she feeds people. Marina feeds our beneficiaries, volunteers at events, as well as at all our fairs people look for and buy her food.

Leon Happy Day organizes children's parties. Leon was the first one we turned to for help. And now for 8 years he has been making children happy. Events, holidays, birthdays, personal involvement in projects, sponsorships and more.

The "Return to Zion" Charity Center has been cooperating with us for many years and helps us with food kits. Thus, our volunteers distribute 120 kits to our wards all over Israel.

Podcast "Radio Island" - Anastasia Bilder's online blog. For two years, Radio Ostrov provided us with a platform for our personal broadcast, where Milana was the host, and volunteers, children and parents of our foundation were guests.
At the moment, the podcast provides us with informational support.

The creative association "Gallery Club" has been supporting our foundation for many years and makes children happy. The head Anastasia and the actors constantly delight children at birthdays, events, auctions, and performances.

Haverim for health Foundation has been working with us for many years. Thanks to our friendship, our beneficiaries are able to receive expensive medicines, vitamins, and personal hygiene products free of charge.

The King of Glory Messianic Congregation has supported us financially for many years. It gives us the opportunity to hold fairs and auctions. We use the premises. We hold events, volunteer meetings, and our storehouse is in their building.

Photographer Victoria has been with us for 4 years. Professional approach to holidays and events, photo shoots in a private studio, birthdays. This memory is important both to us and our charges.

Pastry chef Elena Grinberg is constantly delighting our charges in Petah Tikva with exclusive cakes for their birthdays.
Help the Fund